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I’m not a workout enthusiast. I just want to get it done and move on with my day. After seeing the infomercials for Tony Horton’s 10-Minute Trainer it looked like something that would be a great fit for me. Here is my 10 Minute Trainer Review.
10 Minute Trainer is a Beachbody program that includes:
- 2 DVDs with 5 Workouts
- On the Go Workout cards
- Resistance band
- Cardio Belt
- Nutrition guide
- Fast track guide
10 Minute Trainer was created by Tony Horton of P90X fame.
There are 5 workouts:
- Cardio
- Yoga Flex
- Total Body
- Lower Body
- Abs
Most workouts consist of 10 one minute exercises, exceptions are the Abs and Yoga Flex workouts with 20 thirty-second moves. There is also an option to add a two-minute warm-up and two-minute cool-down to your workout. You can select normal or trainer track. The trainer track is just Tony Horton talking even more about each exercise, kind of like watching a movie with the director’s comments.
- The warm-up is a little random but does the job of getting you warmed-up
- If you’re looking to make some physical changes you’ll want to follow the work-out schedule and combine 2-3 workouts
- Single 10-minute workouts are fine when you’re in maintenance mode
- I like the countdown clock that let’s you know how much longer you’ve got
- I like how you work multiple muscle groups at once, Tony calls it Super Stacking
- I’ve never used the cardio belt that attaches to the door, not sure about that
- Here’s a secret: The workouts aren’t exactly 10 minutes. If you pay attention to the clock, it stops between each exercise. Total time for Cardio: 11 minutes 7 seconds.
Overall it’s my go to maintenance program. It’s also great for those days I wake-up late or don’t have time to fit in a full work-out. Something is better than nothing. I do believe you can achieve good results if you stack the workouts like they suggest. One of my other go to quick work-outs is the Brazil Butt Lift Boom Boom Rapido. It’s about 10 minutes and you can definitely feel it later in the day. What’s your favorite quick work-out?