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CHOP WOOD CARRY WATER combines functional strength training and primal movement. The 20 different workouts focus on strength training, metabolic conditioning, primal movement and recovery. I’m a huge fan of the program’s creator, Amoila Cesar, after completing his 645 fitness program and can’t wait to start this latest program. Get all the details in this CHOP WOOD CARRY WATER fitness program review.
The program’s lifting sequences and primal movements are designed to help you increase your strength, balance, and agility. This style of functional training is meant to help you do everyday things like climb stairs, carry groceries or play with your kids more easily.
Equipment Needed
Here is the equipment you will need for CHOP WOOD CARRY WATER:
- Light, Medium, and Heavy Dumbbells
- Foam Roller* (optional)
CHOP WOOD CARRY WATER can be completed in 4-5 weeks depending on which of the three calendars you choose to follow (4, 5, or 6 workouts per week). The collection of 20 workouts with 7 different formats range from 25-40 minutes each. Each workout starts and ends with dynamic stretching and primal movement flow. There is a modifier in every workout.
1. Tempo Strength
Two blocks of work focusing on tempo-based strength exercises with a 3rd AMRAP(As Many Rounds As Possible) round focused on conditioning.
2. Hot Start
A quad set of four exercises. The first three are strength based while the fourth focuses on conditioning/cardio.
3. EMOM Circuit
Two blocks of work. The first block is EMOM(Every Minute on the Minute) programming and the 2nd block is a post-activation potentiation superset followed by plyometric movement.
4. Burnout
Five rep & time based exercises meant to exhaust a specific muscle group.
5. MixMet
Full body Metcon challenge with 5 exercises you do in 4-6 minutes and then change the order for each remaining set.
6. Primal Movement Flow
Primal movement is ground-based, bodyweight movement in which you flow from one position to another, opening your body and using stabilizing muscles to help improve flexibility, mobility, and stability as you go. Basic forms include Ape, Beast, and Crab.
7. Recovery
Three recovery workouts focus on primal movement, joint mobilization, and full body foam rolling.
Bonus Workouts
There are also three bonus workouts that are 25 minutes each:
- Primal Movement Cardio
- (Advanced) Primal Movement Flow Express
- TGU-T (Turkish Get-Up Training)
Amoila gives you a sneak peek of what he has in store in this full body CHOP WOOD CARRY WATER Sample Workout.

Who is Amoila Cesar

Super Trainer Amoila Cesar is a NASM and ISSA certified personal trainer who works with a number of professional athletes. He’s the creator of 645, 6 Weeks of THE WORK, and 4 Weeks of THE PREP. I admire that he is a student of fitness and the human body. I really like how he shares the knowledge he’s gained through his programs.
The program is now available for purchase. Chop Wood, Carry Water workouts will be available July 10th 2023.